Looking Forward to 2020 and beyond!

Posted on 14-01-2020 Back to blog overview

In 2019 we spread our wings and really took off...

With the official launch of our new website and V4 Peregrine at the tail end of 2019, we released a new set of products tailored for the next generation of video editors.

With a complete update for our entire product line, the release of the brand new essentials collection and new updates and improvements on a regular basis, we are a 100% ready for what is to come next...

We now offer Full GPU Acceleration support for all major platforms and video card manufacturers, we’ve been able to take our video transitions to approximate realtime performance. 

These improvements make our video transitions and smart tools the fastest on the market, with up to 10 times the rendering speed compared to other products on the market.

No more red lines in Adobe Premiere, only better production values and more free time!


Looking Forward to 2020 and beyond!

We expect that 2020 will be a great year for us, where we have a lot of new stuff on the horizon which we can’t wait to show all our customers. 

Expect new innovative features, new host platforms, new video transitions, new effects and multiple language support coming your way. But also new tutorials which will help you get started with our products, as well as updates and improvements to all our entire product lineup. 

So be sure to join us as we fly into the next decade, with the best quality products on the market, lightning fast rendering speeds which will save you valuable time and continuous great support with learning tutorials to help you on your way!

Cheers and thank you for your inspiration!

-  Film Impact

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